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Profile: Luv-Luv


Luv-Luv, (which isn’t his real name, but it is what his grandma calls him, so we will too) is from the Philippines.  He isn’t one of the guys that we try to reach in a village, but instead he is one of our partners.  Luv-Luv grew up in a small village with his grandparents and his faith is a product of missionaries sharing the gospel with him several years ago.  Because he is so integral to what Underground Coffee International does, I thought it appropriate to share some of his story first. Luv-Luv and I go way back and we were roommates for a year when we both lived in East Asia.  Through a series of divine appointments and circumstances, we ended up meeting, and later becoming teammates.  Luv-Luv has a background in agriculture and specifically coffee growing.  We believe that God has placed him in our path so that we can go out and use coffee to reach those who have never heard.  In many ways, Underground Coffee grew out of his experience of seeing coffee being used to reach local villagers, and our plan is to have him as Underground Coffee’s first sponsored missionary.

My wife and I had the pleasure of having Luv-Luv go with us on the trip to East Asia this summer.  It was a little more expensive to have him fly out and meet us than it would have been if we’d have gone on our own, but the benefit of having him there with us was immeasurable.  As an Asian villager, provides insights into things that go on in villages that none of us would have picked up on.  He also helped us understand a lot of the coffee growing end of things when we talked to people about strategy.

Please pray for Luv-Luv.  He is currently working small jobs in the Philippines waiting on enough support to be raised so he can go and become a missionary in East Asia.