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Our Story

The idea for Underground Coffee International was born inside a bakery in a small Himalayan town.   Two missionaries, one about to finish his term and go back to the U.S., the other just starting his ministry, sat down to talk about the possibility of growing coffee in the region.  Like many places in that part of the world, the area was closed off to missionary activity by the government, and all missionaries needed a legitimate reason to go out to villages.  Coffee provided that reason.  Over the next few years coffee was introduced into the region and many doors were opened for missionaries to share life and faith with villagers who had never heard about Jesus Christ.

After returning to America there was not only the desire to go back to Asia for mission work, but also to establish a market for the coffee that rural farmers had begun to grow.  This coffee not only supports our missionaries but also provides a new money source to impoverished farmers.  By doing this we hope to meet both the spiritual and physical needs of the people we work alongside.

Underground Coffee International exists to provide life-changing coffee, not only for those who drink it but also those who grow it.  Our missionaries work among unreached people groups to teach them how to grow organic, ethically grown, high quality Arabica Coffee.  In underdeveloped countries, organic farming isn’t just trendy or healthy; it is also more sustainable and cheaper for the local farmer.  By teaching our local partners how to grow quality coffee from the beginning we can be both beneficial to the farmer as well as the consumer.

At its core, Underground Coffee International is about life change.  We seek to share the gospel whenever we can with our local partners; coffee is merely the vehicle that brings us together.  It allows us to work in the fields alongside those who have never heard and share what Christ has done for us.


We are passionate about coffee (and we hope it shows), but we are even more passionate about seeing people’s lives changed by the gospel.

I have become all things to all people that by all means I might save some.  I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.
1 Corinthians 9:22-23