I know it has been well over a month since the last blog post (somehow the "every two weeks" plan has gone out the window in this season of life). Needless to say, things have been a little busy around here and with Underground Coffee International.
In sixteen days, the family and I are getting on an airplane and moving to South East Asia. There's been lots of planning, packing, selling, and travel over the past month. And it has been great to be able to connect with so many of you during the last couple of weeks.
This last month, the word that I've probably heard the most often is "enough". As in, "Do you have enough time? Do you have enough money? Do you have enough luggage space?" I heard a phrase in a sermon a while back that has stuck with me and comes to mind every time I hear "enough".
"When enough is truly enough, you don't want more than enough."
I've been chewing on it for a good month now and I still think I'm just on the tip of the iceberg.
It is a phrase that is definitely countercultural to consumer America. If we actually followed it our economy would probably grind to a halt. This phrase is, however, incredibly freeing. If Christ is truly enough, none of the other stuff matters. Situations can change. Locations can change. Finances can change. But if we truly believe that Christ is enough, we don't need anything that we pile on top of that.
In Philippians 3, Paul gives a little bit of his religious resume. In verses 7-8, he points out that he has given all of that up because all he needed was Christ. Christ was enough and he didn't want more. He was completely satisfied with Christ. At the dinner table of life, he was full (like after a Mexican buffet full) and had no desire for more.
And as we take off and head overseas, my desire is to be more like Paul and realize that Christ is truly enough. And I don't need more than that. I don't want more than that. I hope that that he is enough for you as well.