Zero to One
Brian Brewer
As of this past week, we have just finished our first board meeting. There were lots of questions, and quite a bit of progress has been made. Honestly, none of us have ever done anything quite like this before. The thought of starting up a non-profit that sells a product to generate funds and then sends those funds around the world is a daunting task. The board is amazing though, and we all left with a definitive sense that God has His hand in what we are doing. At one point in the meeting I made a comment of how we are just trying to get to the place where we can have Underground Coffee up and going, much less send someone on the field and manage them. The only way that I knew how to express going from a state of not being able to even get started to being able move forward was “from zero to one”.
From zero to one is a missionary term that we used when I was on the field. It is a concept that comes from working with unreached peoples, much like we will do here at Underground Coffee International. When doing mission work, there is often tons and tons of work, money and hours put in to just seeing that first person have life change. In many instances, it is years of work, just to see one convert. In a much smaller way, I used it to describe the amount of work that we’ve been putting in just to hand out our first bag of coffee.
In a lot of ways, us here at UCI are trying to go from zero to one. In a much more significant way, there are hundreds of missionaries around the world who have spent years trying to go from zero to one. Please take some time and remember them today.